Discover the Truth About Robert Houston
Robert took my money and 'ran'.
HE OWES ME $70,500

This page is not about an investment gone wrong,
this page is about a person's honesty & integrity!
Caveat emptor - buyer beware.
Every detail on this site is factual.
According to Oxford Dicitonary:
noun: libel; plural noun: libels
1. a published false statement that is damaging to a person's reputation; a written defamation.
Since everything on this site is irrefutable & uncontested facts, it is not libel. It's the truth.
Defamation is a statement that injures a third party's reputation. The tort of defamation includes both libel (written statements) and slander (spoken statements). State common law and statutory law governs defamation actions, and each state varies in their standards for defamation and potential damages. Defamation is a tricky area of law as the lines between stating an opinion versus a fact can be vague, and defamation tests the limits of the first amendment freedoms of speech and press.
To prove prima facie defamation, a plaintiff must show four things: 1) a false statement purporting to be fact; 2) publication or communication of that statement to a third person; 3) fault amounting to at least negligence; and 4) damages, or some harm caused to the reputation of the person or entity who is the subject of the statement.
Since everything on this site is irrefutable & uncontested facts, it is not defamation. It's the truth.
The truth Mr. Houston will most likely not appreciate since he is being exposed.
Timeline of events:
• Houston posts on Facebook 10 "qualities of a loser" including (1) Inhibited integrity & (10) Taking no responsibility

This is just a portion of the details that
have occurred in the last 2.5+ years.
• Houston posts about integrity.

January / February 2021:
• Details and terms were discussed and agreed to. Kyle Tanner was going to serve as a private hard money lender to Robert Houston who wanted to quickly borrow $30,000 for a real estate purchase.
• Partnership Agreement was written by Robert Houston & both parties signed.
• Mortgage Deed was written by Robert Houston & both parties signed.
Borrowing $30,000, with 100% interest. Total due $60,000 in 60-90 days.
Then 5% annually, after 06/04/21
with a 16 unit Occupied Apartment Building as the security.
• Promissory Note was written by Robert Houston & both parties signed.

• $30,000 was wired to Mr. Houston and receipt verified.
• Houston promised a $60,000 payment "very very soon" and desire for future business.

• With $60,000 owed, an initial collection letter was sent by Tanner's Attorney. Houston responded online.

• A second demand letter was sent.

• Houston owes $63,000.00
• After multiple attempts to resolve & collect, Tanner authorized counsel to begin the formal lawsuit..
• Another demand letter was sent to resolve the matter.
• Houston responded 'promising' to settle by 07/01/22

•. While owing, now $68,000, Houston brags online about owning 20 homes "free and clear"

•. With $68,000 still owed, Houston brags online about earning $1.3 million in July, 2022

•. With $68,000 still owed, Houston brags about evicting "deadbeat tenants".

•. With $68,000 still owed, Case 832-048 Div "A" was filed with 24th Judicial District Court to make an appearance or pay.
Document was served 09/26/22. Houston failed to respond.

•. With $6,000 still owed, Houston seems to be upset with FAKE, PHONY and DISINGENUOUS people.

•. With $68,000 still owed, Houston mentions "poor character".

•. With $63,000 still owed, Houston brags abut an auto purchase July 2022.

•. With $68,000 still owed, Houston received more legal information.

•. With $68,000 still owed, Houston post about acquiring 5 more Single Family Residences for rentals.

•. With $68,000 still owed, Houston shows a $222 dinner bill, and brags online about leaving a $300 tip.

02/05/21 Original Loan. $30,000.00 $30,000.00
06/04/21 Promised Interest. $30,000.00 $60,000.00
02/22 Legal Costs. $ 500.00 $60,500.00
06/05/22 5% Interest on principal $ 2,500.00 $63,000.00
06/25/22 Legal Costs. $ 5,000.00 $68,000.00
06/05/22 5% Interest on principal $ 2,500.00 $70,500.00
tba Add'l legal & collection costs $ tba $
The Truth About Robert Houston
Robert Houston took my money.
HE OWES ME $70,500
Be very, very cautious
on who you do business with!
If you have also had problems with Mr. Houston
please contact me - info@KyleTanner.com
As the saying goes, "the plot thickens"
In the process of preparing this site, so others won't fall victim, I was alerted to more 'alleged' actions of Mr. Houston.
Please visit the links below as reported in local newspapers.
September 07, 2022:
The Westside Gazette (a local Sarasota, FL paper), published an article "Florida Scammer Claims CEO Status, Steals 21 Properties"
The article reports how, you guessed it, Houston, "allegedly" changed some corporate fillings to make himself the new CEO of a real estate company, and then sold 21 properties and took out mortgages on other properties totaling $1.3 million.
January 13, 2023:
The Sarasota Herald-Tribune, published an article 'I ain't in jail': Felony charges for man accused of hijacking Sarasota real estate company
The article reports more about Houston and accused accomplice Linda Lukas, and that he was arrested 01/10/24 and charged with money laundering, scheme to defraud, criminal use of personal identification information, unlawful filing of false documents and obtaining property under false pretenses, according to a Sarasota Police report.
Glen the CEO of the company Houston 'hijacked' is suing for $8.7 million.
January 23, 2023:
Houston was arrested and booked, in Sarasota, FL, for multiple charges with bonds set at a total of $250,000.00

February 17, 2023:
SunBizTheft.com publishes another article regarding Houston, "Felony charges for man accused of hijacking FL business"
February 22, 2023:
Houston was arrested and booked, in Palmetto, FL, for 23 fraud charges with bonds set at a total of $34,500.00
More legal information:
August 08, 2016:
Case # 16CV03526 - Merle Taylor et al vs Robert Houston, Jr et al
Civil was filed in Santa Barbara, CA accusing Houston of 19 cases of fraud and financial abuse of an elder.
August 29, 2019:
Jury verdict - judgment was awarded against Houston for $ 555,827.00
August 29, 2019:
Jury verdict - judgment was awarded against Houston for $ 504,921.00